Sunday, March 29, 2009
Earth Hour
toingggg 20.30, alamakkk.. nak lights off macam mana, kita orang baru habis makan... belum sempat kemas meja dan basuh pinggan... hehehe.. tutup gak lampu... so basuh pinggan dalam samar-samar dengan di sinari lampu jalan yang jauh di hadapan.... irfan lak marah tutup lampu.. mamat ni tak suka gelap... then mak cakap, kena tutup nanti polis tangkap... sian pulak, meraung2 termasuklah hakimi.. maka on lah lampu akuarium jerk... tu sedikit sebanyak contribution ag6888 kepada earth hour...
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Kimi dan proses weaning...
but hari ni.. ambik langkah drastik.. sapu asam jawa ... ermm.. dia suruh lap.. lepas tu taruk nescafe plak.... dia lap jugak.. but still ada rasa pahit kot.. sampai petang tak nak... but bila dha maghrib basuh and bagi jugak kat dia.. sian pulak nengok... tak nak lah proses ni terlalu drastik.. still have time.. ada +- 4 bulan lagi....
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
How to Recognise a Gifted Child
It is important to recognise a gifted child in order to help promote his or her intelligence, curiosity and desire to learn. Most of these children are never recognised and so their potential is not developed correctly. A gifted child is not a genius and does not have to know everything or do things out of the ordinary, such as play the piano at the age of two or speak several languages at the age of three. They are children who are basically differentiated from others in their ability to learn much faster and go more deeply into subjects. Some of the characteristics of a gifted child are:
1. They generally walk and speak before their first year of age.
2. They tend to use very rich language and adultlike vocabulary.
3. They easily understand and remember the information they are given.
4. They generate a great quantity of ideas and solutions to problems.
5. They have a well-developed sense of humour.
6. They have a great deal of curiosity, which makes them question everything.
7. They usually worry about the problems in the world.
8. They adore reading.
9. They like complicated board games.
10. They are leaders.
11. They persevere (they concentrate on a task and persist until they finish it).
12. They have a high level of self-judgment, demand much of themselves, and tend to be dissatisfied.
13. They prefer to work independently and do not need much help.
14. They are vulnerable to the rejection of their classmates.
last sunday... cakap dengan hakimi.. yang dia dah besar, dah tahu cakap, dah faham apa orang lain cakap dan boleh naik basikal.. just like his cousin, irfan.. dia angguk kepala.. means agreed apa yang saya cakap tu.. then sambung lagi, abang irfan tak minum 'entek' umi dia.. (kimi kalau nak menyusu dia akan cakap nak entek') so hakimi pun macam tu, tak boleh mintak entek mommy... minum susu dalam botol atau cawan... very supprised tindak balas dari dia.. dia menangis, dgn mimik muka yang amat sedih sekali.. hehehe kesian lah pulak...
and tadik browse kat internet.. and i've found something.. (dari
What does it mean to have weaned a child?
When your baby stops nursing and gets all his nutrition from sources other than the breast, he's considered weaned. Although babies are also weaned from the bottle, the term most often refers to when a baby stops breastfeeding.
Weaning, when it's the mother's idea, usually requires a lot of patience, and can take time, depending on your baby or toddler's age and how well and how quickly your child adjusts. The experience is different for everyone.
Weaning is a long goodbye — emotional, sometimes painful, and freeing at the same time. But weaning needn't signal an end to the intimacy you and your child have established through breastfeeding. It just means you have to replace breastfeeding with other nourishment and nurturing activities. If you've often nursed your child for comfort, find other ways to make him feel better. Read a book or sing a song together, or play outside instead.
When should I start weaning?
You're the best judge of when it's time to wean, and you don't have to set a deadline unless you and your child are ready to do so. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that mothers breastfeed their babies for at least a year. Despite what friends, relatives, or even strangers may say, there's no right or wrong time to wean. If you feel it's the right time, then it is.
How do I wean?
Proceed slowly, regardless of the age of your child. Experts advise that you not abruptly withhold your breast, which can be traumatic. A weekend away from your baby or toddler with your husband, for example, is not a good way to end the breastfeeding relationship. Try these methods instead:
Skip a feeding. Skip a feeding and see what happens. Offer a cup or bottle of milk instead. As a substitute you can use your own pumped milk, formula, or cows' milk (if your child is at least a year old). If you reduce feedings one at a time over a period of weeks your child will have time to adjust to the changes. Your milk supply will also diminish, without leaving your breasts engorged or giving you mastitis, a breast infection.
Shorten nursing time. Start by cutting the length of time your child is actually on the breast. If he usually nurses for five minutes, try three. Depending on his age, follow the feeding with a healthy snack such as unsweetened applesauce or a cup of milk or formula. (Note, however, that babies younger than 6 months may not be ready for solids.) Bedtime feedings may be harder to curb — they're usually the last to go.
Postpone and distract. Try postponing feedings if you're only nursing a couple of times a day. This method works well if you have an older child you can reason with. If your child asks for the breast, say you'll feed him later and distract him. Instead of nursing in the early evening, you could tell him to wait until bedtime.
What to do when weaning becomes a struggle
If you've tried everything to wean your child and nothing is working, maybe the time isn't right. Have you recently gone back to work? Your child may still be adjusting to this new development. Has your child been sick? Often babies who are not feeling well will want to nurse more often — in fact, breastfeeding may be in a sick child's best interest.
Friday, March 13, 2009
Hakimi's Pets
taraaaa.. inilah pets terbaru hakimi... ikan.. ada ikan emas, ikan x, ikan y dan ikan guppy.. ikan x dan y lupa namanya pulak...
daddy beli kan untuk kimi.. masa kami pergi ke komplek nur arfa batik di kuala terengganu, ada kolam ikan dan kimi sukeeeeeeeeeeeee sangat... sebab tu daddy belikan.. lagipun kami bule tumpang sekali.. release stress...
kimi pulak.. suka dengan ikan-ikan ni.. cakap2 dgn ikan.. dia dengan ikan je lah kot faham, kalau ikan tu fahamlah...kelakar jugak kekadang dok intai dia main-main dan bercakap-cakap dengan ikan tu.. kalau dia perasan kita dok intai, dia malu... hehehe... terus terbantut.... yelah.. dah sesorang, tak ada abang, tak ada kakak, tak ada adik.. so mainlah dengan ikan... :-P
Picture Speaks Loud
kami pernah gak ikut.... nak ikut pun kena nengok tempat.. selalunya kalau kat klcc kita org pergi lah.. daddy pergi demo, kami pergi shopping.. :-P
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Apa-ape Ajelah
almost 2 years tak bekerja dan jadi suri rumahtangga sepenuh masa... tak percaya kadang2 tu sbb sejak kecik, tak pernah terlintas akan atau nak jadi suri rumahtangga.. dari kecik cuma fikir nak keje yang bagus2.. pendapatan yang bagus.. but semuanya ketentuanNya.. btw im happy dengan pekerjaan ini, menjaga anak siang dan malam.. dapat exclusively breastfeed.. n dapat besarkan anak sendiri dan tak missed pembesaran anak.. dah 24jam depan mata.. ermm satu lagi skill memasak bertambah walaupun rasa malas nak masak.. huhuhuhu... bersyukur sebab tak semua dapat merasa apa yang saya lalui.. dan setiap anak yang dilahirkan bawa rezeki.. im belived it.. so do daddy.. kami bersyukur apa yang kami ada sekarang ni.. Alhamdulillah... malah its much much better our life..
ada gak orang tanye, tak terkilan ke, gaji dah banyak (errr BANYAK KE??? - Tuhan je yg tahu) then berhenti keje pulak? honestly, tak pernah rasa terkilan.. tak tahu kenapa.. maybe dah bosan dgn rutin kerja.. ermm everything about the job lah.. im beleived that, sesape yang in my shoes akan buat apa yang saya buat cuma beza, depa akan cari keje lain dulu... opss lupakan pasal keje dulu..
tu jelah nak cerita... jom nengok gambar sekitar jalan2 kuala terengganu, paka, dan balik taiping sekitar januari lepas....
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
ayam ulik-ulik
pelik bunyiknya ayam 'ulik-ulik'... tu dia penangan upin ipin... minggu ni irfan duduk kampung.. saje je mak dengan abah tak bagi dia balik ikut umni dia.. irfan sibuk nak makan ayam golek.. golek jadi ulik-ulik... nak tergelak pulak...
so hari ni kami buat kekonon macam ayam golek.. idak lah golek macam kat kedai tu, grill dalam oven jerk... simple je bahan-bahan dia..
kunyi hidup
bawang putih
bawang besar
jitan kasar
** kuantiti agak2
kisar semua bahan, masuk kan garam dan madu. kemudian perapkan dengan ayam
perap dalm 3 jam kemudian panggang hingga masak
cili api
cili hidup
bawang putih
limau kasturi
kisar semua dan masukkan gula, garam dan limasu kasturi.